2008/09-2012/07: Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, PhD in Mathematics
2007/09-2008/08: University of Science and Technology of China, PhD student,
2003/09-2007/07: Sichuan university, Bachlor of Sciences in Mathematics
2015/07-present:Xiamen University, Professor
2018/09-2019/02: Xiamen University Malaysia, Visiting Professor
2015/02-2016/01: McGill University, Postdoc Fellow
2014/09-2015/06:Xiamen University, Associate Professor
2012/08-2014/08:Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Postdoc Fellow
Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Nonlinear PDEs, Mathematical Physics,
Topics Including: Geometry of submanifolds, Minimal surfaces, CMC surfaces, Free boundary surfaces, Capillary surfaces, Geometric flows, Geometric inequalities, Geometric PDEs, Riemannian-Finsler Geometry, General Relativity
2022/2023 Spring: Riemannian Geometry (graduate)
2022/2023 Fall: Mathematical Analysis III (honors class)
2021/2022 Spring: Mathematical Analysis II (honors class)
2021/2022 Fall: Mathematical Analysis I
2020/2021 Spring: Riemannian Geometry (graduate)
2020/2021 Fall: Mathematical Analysis III
2019/2020 Spring: Differential Geometry (undergraduate honors class)
2019/2020 Fall: Mathematical Analysis III
2018/2019 Fall: Advanced Mathematics I (at XMUMalaysia Campus)
2017/2018 Fall: Differential Geometry (undergraduate honors), Geometric Analysis (graduate)
2016/2017 Fall: Differential Geometry (undergraduate)
2015/2016 Spring: Calculus I-2, Differential Geometry (graduate)
2014/2015 Fall: Calculus II-1
荣誉与获奖 Awards:
Fujian Province Hundred Talents Plan, 2015
16th Fujian Youth Science and Technology Award, 2021
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12271449): 2023.01-2026.12.
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11871406): 2019.01-2022.12.
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720180009): 2018.01-2020.12.
The Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (Grant No. 2017J06003): 2017.04-2020.03.
The Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars: 2015.05-2018.04.
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11501480): 2016.01-2018.12.
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720150012): 2015.01-2017.12.
53. (with Jinyu Guo) Stable anisotropic capillary hypersurfaces in the half-space, arXiv.2301.03020.
52. (with Xiaohan Jia, Guofang Wang and Xuwen Zhang) Alexandrov’s theorem for anisotropic capillary hypersurfaces in the half-space, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 247 (2023), Article number: 25.
51. (with Liangjun Weng and Guofang Wang) Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for k-convex starshaped capillary hypersurfaces in the half-space, arXiv:2209.13516.
50. (with Xiaohan Jia, Guofang Wang and Xuwen Zhang), Heintze-Karcher inequality and capillary hypersurfaces in a wedge, arXiv:2209.13839.
49. (with Xiaohan Jia and Xuwen Zhang) A Heintze-Karcher type inequality for hypersurfaces with capillary boundary, J. Geom. Anal. 2023, accepted. arXiv:2203.06931.
48. (with Liangjun Weng and Guofang Wang) Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for convex hypersurfaces with capillary boundary in the half- space, Math. Ann. 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s00208-023- 02571-4.
47. (with Julian Scheuer) Stability for Serrin’s problem and Alexandroff’s theorem in warped product manifolds, Intern. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2022, DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnac294.
46. (with Liangjun Weng) Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for convex hypersurfaces with capillary boundary in a ball, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 375 (2022), no. 12, 8851-8883.
45. (with Jinyu Guo and Guofang Wang) Stable capillary hypersurfaces supported on a horosphere in the hyperbolic space, Adv. Math. 409 (2022), 108641.
44. (with Tao Qiang) Compact hypersurfaces of prescribed mean curvature with free boundary in a ball, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 61 (2022) no. 3, 679-689.
43. (with Xuwen Zhang) Volume-constraint local energy-minimizing sets in a ball, arXiv:2106.14780.
42. (with Jinyu Guo) A partially overdetermined problem in domains with partial umbilical boundary in space forms, Adv. Calc. Var. 2022, accepted, arXiv: 2001.10397.
41. (with Changwei Xiong) Escobar's conjecture on a sharp lower bound for the first nonzero Steklov eigenvalue, Peking Math. J. 2023, accepted. arXiv: 1907.07340.
40. (with Guofang Wang) Hsiung-Minkowski's formula for hypersurfaces and their applications, Proceedings of the 8th ICCM, accepted.
39. (with Tao Qiang and Liangjun Weng) A locally constrained mean curvature type flow with free boundary in a hyperbolic ball, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 2021, accepted.
38. (with Jiabin Yin) Two overdetermined problems for anisotropic $p$-Laplacian, Math. Engineering, 4 (2022) Issue 2: 1-18.
37. (with Francesco Della Pietra, Nunzia Gavitone) Motion of level sets by inverse anisotropic mean curvature, Comm. Anal. Geom. 2020, accepted, arXiv: 1804.06639.
36. (with Guofang Wang) Guan-Li type mean curvature flow for free boundary hypersurfaces in a ball, Comm. Anal. Geom. 2020, accepted, arXiv: 1910.07253.
35. (with Jiabin Yin) The anisotropic $p$-capacity and the anisotropic Minkowski inequality, Sci. China Math. 65 (2022) 559–582.
34. (with Julian Scheuer, Guofang Wang) Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities for convex hypersurfaces with free boundary in a ball, J. Differential Geom. 120 (2022) no. 2, 345-373.
33. (with Jinyu Guo) Stability for a second type partitioning problem, J. Geom. Anal., 31 (2021), Issue 3, 2890 - 2923.
32. (with Francesco Della Pietra, Nunzia Gavitone) Symmetrization with respect to mixed volumes, Adv. Math. 388 (2021) 107887.
31. (with Jinyu Guo) A partially overdetermined problem in a half ball, Calc. Var. PDE, 58 (2019), Issue 5, Article: 160.
30. (with Guofang Wang) Rigidity of free boundary CMC hypersurfaces in a ball, Surveys in Geometric Analysis, 2018, 138-153.
29. (with Pengfei Guan) $L^p$ Christoffel-Minkowski problem: the case $1<p<k+1$, Calc. Var. PDE, 57 (2018), Issue 2, Article: 69.
28. (with Julian Scheuer) Locally constraint inverse curvature flows, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), no. 10, 6771-6803.
27. (with Guofang Wang) Uniqueness of stable capillary hypersurfaces in a ball, Math. Ann., 374 (2019) Issue 3-4, 1845-1882.
26. (with Guohuan Qiu) Classical Neumann Problems for Hessian equations and Alexandrov-Fenchel's inequalities, Intern. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2019 (2019) Issue 20, 6285-6303.
25. (with Junfang Li) An integral formula and its applications on sub-static manifolds, J. Differ. Geom., 113 (2019), no.3, 493-518.
24. (with Bobo Hua,Martin Kell) Harmonic functions on metric measure spaces, arXiv:1308.3607, unpublished.
23. Inverse anisotropic mean curvature flow and a Minkowski type inequality, Adv. Math., 315 (2017), 102-129.
22. (with Xiangwen Zhang) ABP estimate and geometric inequalities, Comm. Anal. Geom., 25 (2017), 685-708.
21. (with Bobo Hua, Shiping Liu) Liouville theorems for f-harmonic maps into Hadamard spaces, Pac. J. Math. 290 (2017), no.2, 381-402.
20. (with Junfang Li) An integral formula for affine connections, J. Geom. Anal. 27 (2017), no.3, 2539-2556.
19. Inverse anisotropic curvature flow from convex hypersurfaces, J. Geom. Anal. 27 (2017), no.3, 2131-2154.
18. (with Guohuan Qiu) Overdetermined boundary value problems in S^n, J. Math. Study, 50 (2017), 165-173.
17. (with Yuxin Ge, Guofang Wang, Jie Wu) Gauss-Bonnet-Chern mass and Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 11 (2016), Issue 5, 1207-1237.
16. A Minkowski type inequality in space forms, Calc. Var. PDE, 55 (2016), Issue 4, Article:96.
15. (with Guohuan Qiu) A generalization of Reilly's formula and its applications to a new Heintze-Karcher type inequality, Intern. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2015 (2015) Issue 17, 7608-7619.
14. (with Jie Wu) Hypersurfaces with constant curvature quotients in warped product manifolds. Pac. J. Math. 274 (2015), No. 2, 355-371.
13. (with Yuxin Ge, Guofang Wang, Jie Wu) A Penrose inequality for graphs over Kottler space. Calc. Var. PDE, 52 (2015), Issue 3-4, 755-782.
12. Local gradient estimate for harmonic functions on Finsler manifolds, Calc. Var. PDE 51 (2014), Issue 3-4, 849-865.
11. (with Jie Wu) On rigidity of hypersurfaces with constant curvature functions in warped product manifolds, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 46(2014), 1-22.
10. (with Bobo Hua) A note on local gradient estimate on Alexandrov spaces, Tohoku Math. J. (2) 66 (2014), 259-267.
9. (with Guofang Wang) Isoperimetric type problems and Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities in the hyperbolic space, Adv. Math. 259 (2014), 532-556.
8. On an anisotropic Minkowski problem, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 62 (2013), 1399-1430.
7. (with Guofang Wang) A sharp lower bound for the first eigenvalue in Finsler manifolds, Ann. IHP(C) Non. Anal., 30 (2013) Issue 6, 983-996.
6. (with Yuxin Ge, Guofang Wang) On problems related to an inequality of De Lellis and Topping, Intern. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2013 (2013) Issue 20, 4798-4818.
5. (with Yong Luo) Hölder regularity for equations of prescribed anisotropic mean curvature type, Manuscripta Math., 141 (2013), 589--600.
4. (with Guofang Wang) An optimal anisotropic Poincare inequality for convex domains, Pac. J. Math., 258 (2012) 305--326.
3. (with Guofang Wang) Blow-up analysis of a Finsler-Liouville equation in two dimensions, J. Differ. Eq., 252 (2012), 1668-1700.
2.(with Guofang Wang) A Brunn-Minkowski inequality for a Finsler-Laplacian, Analysis (Munich), 31(2011),103-115.
1. (with Guofang Wang) A characterization of the Wulff shape by an overdetermined anisotropic PDE, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 99 (2011), 99-115.
学生培养 Students Supervision
Jiabing Yin (2019-2021, now Lecturer at Guangxi Normal University)
Xiaohan Jia (2021-)
PhD Students:
Jinyu Guo (2017-2022, now Postdoc at Tsinghua University)
Tao Qiang (2018-2022, now Lecturer at Jiangsu University)
Xuwen Zhang (2019-)
Zheng Lu (2020-)
Xingjian Zhou (2022-)
Master Students:
Zhihui Hou (2016-2019, Primary school teacher)
Tao Qiang (2016-2018, promote to PhD)
Yujin Xi (2017-2020, go to Industry)
Mingxuan Yang (2017-2020, now PhD student at Tsinghua)
Zheng Lu (2018-2020, promote to PhD)
Xingjian Zhou (2020-2022, promote to PhD)
Yangsen Xie (2021-)
Debin Huang (2021-)
Jincong Zheng (2022-)
For more information, see my
CV Xia2023.pdf(last updated: March 2023)