1月 16日 上午 | 8:45-9:00 开幕式、合影 |
主持人:徐帆 |
09:00-09:50 | 付昌建 四川大学 | On the longest element of a finite Weyl group and quiver representations |
9:50-10:20 | 茶歇 |
10:20-11:10 | 高楠 上海大学 | The singularity category of monomorphisms and Gorenstein subcategories |
11:10-12:00 | 林增强 华侨大学 | n-angulated categories from self-injective algebras |
14:00-18:00 | 自由讨论 |
1月17日 上午 | 主持人:付昌建 |
09:00-09:50 | 徐帆 清华大学 | Graded quiver varieties and derived Hall algebras |
09:50-10:20 | 茶歇 |
10:20-11:10 | 王艳华 上海财经大学 | The automorphism groups of some noncommutative algebras |
11:10-12:00 | 刘品 西南交通大学 | On cluster algebras of type C and algebras arising from cluster tubes |
14:00-18:00 | 自由讨论 |
1月18日 上午 | 主持人:王艳华 |
09:00-09:50 | 周国栋 华东师范大学 | Gorenstein projective modules over tensor product algebras |
09:50-10:20 | 茶歇 |
10:20-11:10 | 姚玲玲 东南大学 | The Jordan-Holder theorem for derived module categories of derived discrete algebras |
11:10-12:00 | 阮诗佺 清华大学 | Categorification of Weyl group via weighted projective line |
14:00-18:00 | 自由讨论 |
1. 报告人:付昌建,四川大学
题目:On the longest element of a finite Weyl group and quiver representations
摘要:We will give two descriptions of the longest element of a finite Weyl group by using representation theory of hereditary algebras.
2. 报告人:高楠,上海大学
题目:The singularity category of monomorphisms and Gorenstein subcategories
摘要:In this talk, we show that there is an inifinite ladder that connects the singularty category of monomorphism category and the usual singularity category of an algebra. We also investigate certain Gorenstein subcategories of monomorphism category which induce that categories of coherent functors are also Gorenstein. This is a joint work with Chrysostomos Psaroudakis。
3. 报告人:林增强,华侨大学
题目: n-angulated categories from self-injective algebras
摘要:Let C be a k-linear category with split idempotents, and
be an automorphism. We show that there is an n-angulated structure on
under certain conditions, which generalizes a result of Amiot in the case of triangulated categories. As an application, we obtain a class of examples of n-angulated categories from self-injective algebras.
4. 报告人:刘品,西南交通大学
题目:On cluster algebras of type C and algebras arising from cluster tubes
摘要:In this talk, we will focus on the connection between cluster algebras of type C and a class of finite-dimensional algebras arising from cluster tubes. This is joint work with C. Fu (Sichuan University, Chengdu) and S. Geng (Sichuan University, Chengdu).
5. 报告人:阮诗佺,清华大学
题目:Categorification of Weyl group via weighted projective line
摘要:This is joint work with Bangming Deng and Jie Xiao. In this talk we will give a (local) categorification of Weyl group, for both of Kac-Moody Lie algebra and Lie algebra of weighted projective lines, based on certain functors on the derived category of coherent sheaves over weighted projective line.
6. 报告人:王艳华,上海财经大学
题目:The automorphism groups of some noncommutative algebras
摘要:The discriminant of some algebra were given. The automorphism group of some Artin -Schelter regular algebras were given by their discriminants.
7. 报告人:徐帆,清华大学
题目:Graded quiver varieties and derived Hall algebras
摘要:Recently,graded quiver varieties were applied to the categorifications of quantum groups, Hall algebras and cluster algebras. In these construction, a crucial point is the comultiplication formula over graded quiver varieties given by Vasserot and Varagnolo. In this talk, I will survey the role played by the comultiplication formula in these constructions and relate the formula to derived Hall algebras via the trace map.
8. 报告人:姚玲玲,东南大学
题目:The Jordan-Holder theorem for derived module categories of derived discrete algebras
摘要:The Jordan-Holder theorem is established for derived module categories of finite dimensional derived discrete algebras of finite global dimension using an equivalent definition of derived discrete algebras.
9. 报告人:周国栋,华东师范大学
题目:Gorenstein projective modules over tensor product algebras
摘要:We describe Gorenstein projective modules over the tensor product of two algebras in some cases via generalised monomorphism categories and filtration categories. This talk is based on a joint work with Wei Hu, Xiu-Hua Luo and Bao-Lin Xiong.