时 间:2023年9月26日14:30
地 点:海韵园实验楼105报告厅
In this talk we will discuss two ways of breaking all the non-trivial symmetries of a graph: pointwise and setwise, which involve base sizes and distinguishing numbers of permutation groups, respectively. These two invariants have been investigated for many decades, finding a wide range of applications. I will report on my recent progress on determining base sizes of some primitive groups, with some connections to other interesting problems. In particular, I will give the first family of primitive groups arising in the O'Nan-Scott theorem for which the exact base size has been computed in all cases.
黄弘毅,英国布里斯托大学在读博士,国家留学基金委公派留学生,美国数学会《数学评论》评论员,澳洲组合数学会成员。研究方向为置换群论及相关组合结构。在J. Pure Appl. Algebra,Algebr. Comb. 等期刊中发表学术成果。曾受剑桥大学、帝国理工学院、洛桑联邦理工、墨尔本大学等高校邀请进行学术成果展示。